Monday, June 23, 2008

What is Philosophy?

Philosophy has been cultivated for many ages by the most illustrious philosophers. Every discussion is a demonstration of the likenesses that was before. I write to permeate and preserve truth or a likeness, I mean a likeness of everything to which can be found.

There are a gallery of noble philosophers and heroes. They were willing to exalt profound thought not opinion. They exhibited an eagerness to behold the highest truth, nourished in the spirit of it. There is a generation of philosophers the same as there are generations of plants and anything that is generated from opposition. Opposite meaning things such as just and unjust, good and evil, and the innumerable, other opposites that are generated out opposite.

I am drawn to philosophy absorbed in the pleasures of it drawn off like a stream into another channel striving after the noblest pursuit of all. Not blunted by the skeptics I live on a keen edge will not abate only until I have attain truth of divine beauty, wisdom, goodness, and the like; for they nourish my mind.

Those who wander in the region of wanting in knowledge are not philosophers. Also, those who have in their mind no clear pattern are unable to look at the absolute truth and vision of the world of beauty, goodness, justice. The nature of the philosopher, they always love knowledge of a sort that shows them the everlasting and fixed, not varying from generation and corruption. They are lovers of wisdom, lovers of all true being: they will never purposely receive into their mind lies, which they loathe.

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